people standing on top of the mountain

Why book with us?

In addition to an amazing property for your Alps holiday, during your stay in an Alpine Comfort Chalet we are here to assist you with all in-resort activities.

Once you have booked just ask if you would like recommendations for ski schools, ski hire, restaurants, activities or even places to visit in the village or within the county.

We live here !

We know that you prefer to speak with someone who knows the area like the back of their hand. Nendaz has been our home since 2009.

We know every footpath and every shortcut in Les 4 Vallées, have dined in most of the restaurants and know our chalets like our home.

Please ask us anything about your stay, and should we not know the answer, we know who to ask.

We can assist you with recommendations and bookings of


What we believe

We want to ensure we offer all our clientele exactly what they deserve and are looking for in a luxury Alpine Chalet Holiday.

Your holiday should be as relaxed as possible and when you arrive you should find exactly what you were expecting.

This is why our website shows pictures of the rooms of the chalets you will be renting and not photos of decorative details.

Company information

Alpine Comfort Sàrl is a company registered in Switzerland, company number CHE-114.863.278.

Our office address for all communication is: Chemin des Râches 35, 1996 Saclentse